
Simon Orondo

5 Articles

Journalists need to debunk health information to save lives

Debunking misinformation in health reporting By  Christine Ochogo I christawine@gmail.com Information is…

Simon Orondo Simon Orondo

Why Rwandan journalist’s model answers COVID-19 coverage

By Aghan Daniel I aghan@meshascience.org Science journalism is increasingly gaining traction in…

Simon Orondo Simon Orondo

Protect us from the pandemic, people with NCDs urge State

By Mike Mwaniki I mikemwaniki2016@gmail.com   People living with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)…

Simon Orondo Simon Orondo

Why Africa must participate in COVID-19 vaccines trials

By Darrel Bosire I info@meshascience.org  Africa could benefit from lower prices by…

Simon Orondo Simon Orondo

Time to save Mother Earth from imminent perish

For fish lovers, the writing on the wall is that you may…

Simon Orondo Simon Orondo